Welcome to the Church at Rainbow.

A community connected by grace devoted to sharing the message of grace in our homes, church, local, and global communities.

What type of church is Rainbow Community Church (RCC)?

A Bible believing, gospel-centered, grace-based, independent church that seeks to partner with other like-minded churches in order to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are rooted in the Reformed tradition and faith: by Grace alone (Sola Gratia) through Faith alone (Sola Fide) in Christ alone (Solus Christus) according the Scriptures alone (Sola Scriptura) for God’s glory alone (Sola Deo Gloria).

RCC beliefs follow the Protestant heritage of the historic faith found in the ecumenical creeds (i.e. the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed). RCC has combined and adapted to the Westminster Shorter/Larger Catechism of 1647 (WSC/WLC) and the Baptist Catechism of 1693 to reflect our theological beliefs. For a deeper look at what we believe doctrinally can be found in the New City Catechism.

What is Sunday Worship like?

Our desire is that people grow in the knowledge and grace of God as they trust and rest in the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is out of Christ’s finished work that those who profess Him as Lord and Savior are forgiven of their sins and are now free to serve our Redeemer.

We believe God manifests His grace to us through ordinary means of preaching, prayer, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. Our music shows our adoration of God’s nature and work and is reverent and uplifting. We preach verse-by-verse, paragraph-by-paragraph, chapter-by-chapter through books of the Bible and partake each week in the Lord’s Supper. We invite the whole family to worship together as one body.

What is the order of service like?

We worship God through the reading, singing, praying, and preaching of His Word. We participate weekly in the Lord’s Supper.

How do children worship at Rainbow Community Church?

All ages are welcome in service. We also have a cry room available for newborns and toddlers. We provide audio and video of the service on our patio space located in the back of the church near the playground area.

When and where are the services?

We have been around over 65 years and continue to be transformed in the image of Jesus Christ. We meet at 2560 Rainbow Valley Boulevard, Fallbrook, CA 92028 in the unincorporated town of Rainbow. Our Sunday morning services are at 10:00 AM.

Who can I reach if I have questions regarding the ministry and life of the church?

You are more than welcome to join us for Sunday Worship at 10:00 AM to check it out yourself. We would love to have you visit! If you wish to know more, feel free to contact us via email at Thechurchatrainbow@gmail.com or call us at 760-728-2051.